Summer Leg Solutions

June 11, 2020 by Shari J. Twigg, MD
Summer Leg Solutions
Do you have unsightly spider leg veins you’d like to get rid of?  Most of us have at least a few.  In just a few short sessions, these can be minimized and treated and your legs can look younger and sexier again in no time at all. 

The treatment I’m talking about is called sclerotherapy, using a medication called Asclera.  This is used as a treatment for uncomplicated superficial leg veins (spider veins) and other small veins of the legs called reticular veins.  It isn’t used to treat large varicose veins, as those should be treated by a vein specialist in other ways. 

To treat these small vessels, a solution is injected with a very tiny needle into the blood vessel or surrounding the vessel, causing the vein to collapse and fibrose over time.  It may take several weeks for this to occur, as the body reacts to the solution allowing scarring to develop to permanently close the blood vessels that are dilated causing the spidery appearance. 

It usually takes 3-4 treatments on average to treat these vessels to entirely close down, but some take more, some take less. 

This is a very quick way to make your legs look even more beautiful and smooth again.

See the difference. Call me to schedule a consultation and treatment.

Shari J. Twigg, MD
Expert in the field of Aesthetic Medicine
Board Certified, Aesthetic Medicine

Advanced Aesthetics
304 South Ellery Avenue, Suite 2
Fairview, MT 59221
